Sunday, November 23, 2008

Here are the latest additions to my "things I hate (or at least severely dislike)" list:

-How frequently I watch "Lipstick Jungle." I'm so glad it's canceled.

-People who jog down the sidewalk after the bus pulls away trying to get it to stop for them, but who then slow down to a crawl when the bus actually stops. Dicks.

-Shaving with the expectation of going out that night but then staying in.

-Showering with the expectation of going out that night but then staying in.

-That smelly guy in front of me at that concert last week. Why do you live the way you do?

-Paying to do laundry.

-Putting on clean clothes with the expectation of going out that night but then staying in.

-People who get upset or stressed out too easily. Settle down. Really. It's fine.

-Those ads for "Hungry Man" dinners that say guys who eat yogurt aren't real men. Apparently real men don't need help regulating their digestive system. Activiaaaaa.

-Strangers who call me "guy" or "bro."

-How much beer costs at bars not located on my college campus.

1 comment:

Mark Johnson said...

I think you forgot "when Sarah Palin brings her poop particles into my room"