Saturday, July 19, 2008

the band officially has a name and a myspace account!  we're "tough but fair" and our myspace page can be found at:

we have four songs up.  one of them is recorded by us on garageband.  the other three are mark and pete's individual recordings.  we'll replace them as quickly as we can with full-band recordings.  we're trying to take this seriously, so you should give us feedback as often as possible.
so today i tried out for nbc's "million dollar password," which is exactly like the old password gameshow except the prize money reaches, you guessed it, one MILLION dollars.  here's how my experience went:

i woke up at 7:30 so i could eat my standard four bowls of cereal before catching my bus downtown.  this task was made more difficult by the fact that the night before i biked with mark and pete to see the late night showing of "the dark knight" (which was amazing by the way).  we got back at three, drank some wine and made an amazing batman spoof in which mark made fun of harvey dent.  needless to say, by my 7:30 wake up call, i had only received three hours of sleep.  i pounded half an energy drink i found in the fridge and caught my bus.  i got off on the 700 block of n. michigan avenue with minutes to spare.  i ran up to the building like the millionaire-to-be i was sure i was only to find that there was no 720 n. michigan avenue.  after calling my mom and getting misdirected by a homeless guy who just "neeeeeded" a cup of coffee, i found out i was two miles away from the actual address on SOUTH michigan.

once i arrived, i joined the group late apparently only having missed the producer read the release waiver out loud like a kindergartner teacher.  then we took a painfully easy preliminary test that magically eliminated two thirds of the room.  the remainder of us then practice with one another and awaited our turn to be filmed.  in total this took 5 hours.  it was great, though, because i was at a table with two characters:  one 52 year old mother of a 12 year old who couldn't stop talking about how motherhood aged her and how everyone else looked so amazing.  and a 40 year old former dancer whose idea of practicing "password" was to say the first name of a fashion designer and have me fill in the last name.  my failure to do this earned me her insult "you don't actually watch 'sex and the city!'"  if only that had been true.

i'm not sure how it went.  it's a one in five thousand chance i think, but it would be sweet if i make it.  if i do win a million dollars, i plan on giving each one of you who leaves a comment ten dollars.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

the older i get the more people i leave behind. this is primarily for those people who i still care about but can't see without several hours of travel. please enjoy my (hopefully) frequent updates. i think there's a comment function on this site so use it if you want. i would love to hear from people.